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Displaying 1-100 of 137  Page  No Previous Page  Show Next Page
Item IDPhotoItem DescriptionPt DescriptionMaterialIDCSDDurometer#PriceNotes Location
»mm  in»mm  in$
149458 Aflas Mfr*ORNGO12F10484O-Ring Aflas .139 x 10.484" 2 Plano, TX
87363 Applied Materials O Ring Chamber-P/Ns on photo 1 Plano, TX
87364 Applied Materials O Ring Chamber-P/Ns on photo 1 Plano, TX
87355 Applied Materials 3700-01089Seal CTR Ring Assy NW25 W/ Viton O Ring S 1 Plano, TX
106055 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*3700-01032ORING ID .862 CSD .103 VITON 75 DURO BLK 97 0.45 Hudson, NY
106056 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*3700-01035ORING ID .424 CSD .103 VITON 75DURO BLK 26 0.30 Hudson, NY
106057 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*3700-01049O RING VIT 3.237IDX.103 20 0.75 Hudson, NY
106058 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*3700-01057ORING ID 7.984 CSD .139 VITON 75DURO BLK 4 3.50 Hudson, NY
106059 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*3700-01059ORING ID 5.771 CSD .104 VITON 75 DURO BL 5 3.00 Hudson, NY
106063 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*3700-01168O RING VIT 2.484ID X .13 9 19 0.95 Hudson, NY
106064 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*3700-01176ORING ID 11.484 CSD .139 VITON 75 DURO 6 3.75 Hudson, NY
106066 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*3700-01223ORING ID 8.484 CSD .139 VITON75 DURO 4 3.15 Hudson, NY
106068 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*3700-01318ORING ID 10.975 CSD .210 VITON 75 4 8.75 Hudson, NY
106070 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*3700-01326O RING ID 5.23 CSD .139 VI 10 1.85 Hudson, NY
106162 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*3700-01346


9 10.50 Hudson, New York
106071 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*3700-01377


420 0.25 Hudson, New York
106072 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*3700-01398O RING ID 5.109X.139W VITON DURO 75 4 3.25 Hudson, NY
106074 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*3700-01542ORING ID .676 CSD .070 VITON 75DURO BLK 166 0.45 Hudson, NY
106077 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*3700-01642ORING ID 14.00 CSD .139 VITON 2-280 BLK 2 4.75 Hudson, New York
106078 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*3700-01655ORING ID 5.069 CSD .139 CHEMRAZ SC513 80 1 285.08 Hudson, NY
106081 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*3700-01807ORING ID.1.984CSD.139FFK M(KALREZ 4079)7 2 150.04 Hudson, NY
106084 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*3700-01883ORING ID 1.176 CSD .070 VITON 75 DURO BL 98 0.25 Hudson, NY
106085 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*3700-01895

O-RING 2-112 Kalrez 75 DURO BLACK 4079

2 25.01 Hudson, New York
106087 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*3700-02079


8 3.80 Hudson, New York
106088 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*3700-02153ORING ID .546 CSD .139 CHEMRAZ SC513 80 1 28.01 Hudson, NY
106091 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*501594O RING SIL -011 4 0.25 Hudson, NY
106092 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*501596O-RING 22 1.29 Hudson, NY
106095 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*516011O-RING 28.5X.275 6 75.02 Hudson, NY
138944 Applied Materials, 3700-01865, O-Ring O-Ring ID 11.475 CSD .210 11.4750.210 1 Plano, TX
94965 BOC Edwards C10517087NW50 TPD O Ring VIT/PTFE 2 Plano, TX
94982 Brooks Automation 880-0010-44O Ring 3 Plano, TX
106093 CGA Mfr*5020523O-RING 9 1.00 Hudson, NY
95002 Chemraz 2-204513SCO Ring 6 Plano, TX
95003 Chemraz AS568A-220 CPD 513O Ring 2 Plano, TX
95008 Chemraz AS568A-233 CPD 513O Ring 3 Plano, TX
106107 CTI Mfr*7011008P172O-RING 3 Hudson, NY
106128 DuPont Mfr*AS-568A-167-2037O-RING NOM 7 x 7-3/16 x 3/32 IN 1 Hudson, NY
106129 DuPont Mfr*AS-568A-346-10454-1/8X 4-1/2X 3/16 inch K346 1045 Kalrez 3 Hudson, NY
106140 DuPont Mfr*K#015ORING ID 9/16 x 11/16 CSD .070 KALREZ 4079 1 Hudson, NY
106142 DuPont Mfr*K#163ORING ID 6 x 6-3/16 CSD .103 Kalrez 4079 3 Hudson, NY
106143 DuPont Mfr*K#207ORING ID 9/16 x 13/16 CSD .139 KALREZ 4079 1 Hudson, NY
106144 DuPont Mfr*K#226ORING ID 2 x 2-1/4 CSD .139 KALREZ 4079 2 Hudson, NY
106145 DuPont Mfr*K#235ORING ID 3-1/8 x 3-3/8 CSD .139 KALREZ 4079 1 Hudson, NY
106146 DuPont Mfr*K#239ORING ID 3-5/8 x 3-7/8 CSD .139 KALREZ 4079 1 Hudson, NY
106147 DuPont Mfr*K#278ORING ID 11.984 CSD .139 Kalrez 4079 34 Hudson, NY
106148 DuPont Mfr*K#330ORING ID 2-1/8 x 2-1/2 CSD .210 KALREZ 4079 1 Hudson, NY
106149 DuPont Mfr*K#360ORING ID 5-7/8 x 6-1/4 CSD .210 Kalrez 4079 1 Hudson, NY
106141 DuPont OEM*:OEM*K#039ORING ID 2-3/4 x 2-7/8 CSD .070 KALREZ 4079 3 Hudson, NY
106130 Edwards Mfr*B27158453NW32/40 COSEAL VITON BLACK 62 Hudson, NY
106079 Greene, Tweed MFR*9204-SC513ORING ID .359 CSD .139 CHEMRAZ SC513 80 DURO WHT 1 46.26 Hudson, NY
  AMAT:OEM 3700-01755
106114 Greene, Tweed Tech Mfr*9011-SS513ORING ID .301 CSD .070 Chemraz 513 1 25.01 Hudson, NY
106115 Greene, Tweed Tech Mfr*9015-505ORING ID .5625 CSD .070 CHEMRAZ 505 2 Hudson, NY
106117 Greene, Tweed Tech Mfr*9335-SC513ORING ID 2.725 CSD .210 CHEMRAZ 513 6 Hudson, NY
106118 Greene, Tweed Tech Mfr*9338-SD550O-RING 2 Hudson, NY
95373 International Seal AS568-256O Ring 1 Plano, TX
95382 Kalrez 2-012O Ring 5 Plano, TX
95381 Kalrez 2-268O Ring- KA 2037 1 Plano, TX
95379 Kalrez 2-446O Ring

2 Plano, TX
95384 Kalrez AS568AO Ring 2 Plano, TX
95383 Kalrez K11625-KA8101Kalrez O Ring 50 Plano, TX
106109 LAM OEM*:OEM*734-092560-154O-RING, FLUOROSILICONE ID3.73 1 Hudson, NY
106112 Leybold OEM*:OEM*88705-1133Ring w/ Gasket 2 Hudson, NY
106113 Leybold OEM*:OEM*887076" Foreline Ring 27 Hudson, NY
106154 MARCO RUBBER & PLAST Mfr*V1000-2552-255 Viton O-Rings 75D Black 10 Hudson, NY
106155 MARCO RUBBER & PLAST Mfr*V1000-2562-256 Viton O-Rings 75D Black 9 Hudson, NY
95848 McDowell Seals 2-236-S70O Ring 20 Plano, TX
95851 McDowell Seals 4187517-0001Seal, Quad 20 Plano, TX
95849 McDowell Seals TELMARK II 1 Plano, TX
95850 McDowell Seals TELMARK IIO Ring Kit-TRM 1 Plano, TX
106123 MRC OEM*:OEM*A114553O-RING 1 Hudson, NY
106124 MRC OEM*:OEM*A119405O-RING 1 Hudson, NY
106025 Novellus Systems, In OEM*:OEM*22-115109-00O-Ring, 2-255, Viton 2 Hudson, NY
106026 Novellus Systems, In OEM*:OEM*22-119991-00O-Ring, 2-146, Viton 3 Hudson, NY
106027 Novellus Systems, In OEM*:OEM*22-119992-00O-Ring- .424 x .103 2-111, Viton 6 Hudson, NY
106030 Novellus Systems, In OEM*:OEM*22-12178300O-Ring, 132 Viton 1 Hudson, NY
106032 Novellus Systems, In OEM*:OEM*22-123710-00O-Ring-130, viton 1 Hudson, NY
106033 Novellus Systems, In OEM*:OEM*22-128529-00O-Ring,2-006, Chemraz E38 18 Hudson, NY
106034 Novellus Systems, In OEM*:OEM*22-128529-04O-Ring-2-384, Chemraz 1 Hudson, NY
106035 Novellus Systems, In OEM*:OEM*22-136512-00O-RING, .070 x 8.825 CHEMRAZ SC513 2 135.04 Hudson, NY
106036 Novellus Systems, In OEM*:OEM*22-138423-00O-Ring, 2-383, SC513 1 Hudson, NY
106043 Novellus Systems, In OEM*:OEM*27-402284-00O-Ring, 5.109 x .139 5 Hudson, NY
106044 Novellus Systems, In OEM*:OEM*27-402722-00O-Ring, 2-384 Viton Black 14.975 x .210 33 Hudson, NY
106045 Novellus Systems, In OEM*:OEM*27-402725-00O-Ring, Frnt Plt, Elev 27 Hudson, NY
106046 Novellus Systems, In OEM*:OEM*27-402813-00O-Ring, SAE-385 16 Hudson, NY
106047 Novellus Systems, In OEM*:OEM*27-403016-00O-Ring, 2-268 1 Hudson, NY
106048 Novellus Systems, In OEM*:OEM*27-409253-00O-Ring, 7.234 x .139 1 Hudson, NY
106049 Novellus Systems, In OEM*:OEM*27-409255-00O-Ring, -255 2 Hudson, NY
106050 Novellus Systems, In OEM*:OEM*27-409266-00O-Ring, 13.984 x .139 3 Hudson, NY
106051 Novellus Systems, In OEM*:OEM*27-409959-00O-Ring, 2-383, Viton, V986-50 3 Hudson, NY
106052 Novellus Systems, In OEM*:OEM*27-409991-00O-Ring, 8.734 x .139 1 Hudson, NY
106096 Novellus Systems, In OEM*:OEM*60-138419-00Ring, CTRG, Alum NW25 SC513 3 Hudson, NY
106135 Novellus Systems, In OEM*:OEM*G3-500000-04O-Ring, Buna 2-6009 1/16 CSX 7/32 2 Hudson, NY
106136 Novellus Systems, In OEM*:OEM*G3-500000-06O-Ring, Buna 2-011 1/16 CSX 5/16 2 Hudson, NY
106137 Novellus Systems, In OEM*:OEM*G3-500000-09O-Ring, Buna 2-011 3/32 CSX 7/16 ID 2 Hudson, NY
106138 Novellus Systems, In OEM*:OEM*G3-500000-98O-Ring, Viton 17.25 ID 2 Hudson, NY
106139 Novellus Systems, In OEM*:OEM*G3-500001-00O-Ring, 2-382-50, Viton 3 Hudson, NY
106038 PACIFIC RUBBER Mfr*223 SIL/TFEO-RING 2 Hudson, NY
106041 PACIFIC RUBBER Mfr*253 S70O-RING 13 Hudson, NY
106053 PACIFIC RUBBER Mfr*29850-210 V75O-RING 1 Hudson, NY
106090 PACIFIC RUBBER Mfr*375-10625 S70O-Ring ID 10.625 CSD .375 Silicone 30 Hudson, NY
Displaying 1-100 of 137  Page  No Previous Page  Show Next Page

*  Vendor Role: OEM is Original Equipment Manufacturer; Sup is Supplier/Distributor

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Items from the following manufacturers are offered under O-Rings:
Aflas, Applied Materials, Inc., BOC Edwards, Brooks Automation, CGA, Chemraz, CTI, DuPont, Edwards, Greene, Tweed Technologies, Inc., International Seal, Kalrez, LAM, Leybold, MARCO RUBBER & PLAST, Materials Research Corp, McDowell Seals, Novellus Systems, Inc., PACIFIC RUBBER, Parker, Semitool, Texas Instruments, Tokyo Electronics Limited, TOSOH, Unknown, Varian