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Item IDPhotoItem DescriptionTypeCondition#PriceNotes Location
1786 Bausch & Lomb Type AIncident LightVery Good 12 Scotia, New York
110364 Bausch & Lomb Type KIncident Light 1 Scotia, New York
109427 BOOM STANDBoom 2 350.09 Scotia, New York
109425 BOOM STANDBoom 6 Scotia, New York
109122 BOOM STANDBoom 19 F* Scotia, New York
109553 BOOM STANDBoom 2 Scotia, New York
109549 BOOM STANDBoom 2 Scotia, New York
109548 Diagnostic Instrumts SMS16-ABoom 2 Scotia, New York
86452 Diagnostic Instrumts SMS16-BBoomExcellent 1 325.09 F* Scotia, New York
111690 MICROSCOPE STANDIncident Light 1 F* Scotia, New York
109820 Nikon Focusing StandTransmitted Lt 2 Scotia, New York
110421 Nikon Focusing StandIncident Light 1 250.07 Scotia, New York
114095 Olympus Focusing StandIncident Light 1 180.05 F* Scotia, New York
110842 Olympus SZX-STLTransmitted Lt 1 Scotia, New York
110924 Semprex 102-401Transmitted Lt 1 Scotia, New York
115712 Semprex 102-401Incident Light 1 Scotia, New York
109386 Semprex D102Transmitted Lt 1 Scotia, New York

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  F* if the item is specially featured
  N* if the item is newly added, and/or
  R* if the item's price is recently reduced.

Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Stands:
Bausch & Lomb, Inc, Diagnostic Instruments, Nikon, Olympus, Semprex