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High Voltage Power Supplies

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Item IDPhotoItem DescriptionVoltage Max kVAmps Max mABipolarPanel Meters#PriceNotes Location
147426 EMKI OEM*:OEM*150-40-1-0561G 1 F* Plano, TX
172335 Glassman + PS/FC05P24 or - PS/FC05N245.024.0NoDigital 4 1,999.54 Scotia, New York
39063 Glassman - PS/EH05N20L or + PS/EH05P20L5.020.0NoAnalog 4 1,100.29 F* Scotia, New York
143190 Glassman PS/EL10N4-10.04.0NoAnalog 1 2,750.74 Scotia, New York
143191 Glassman PS/EL10P410.04.0NoAnalog 1 2,750.74 Scotia, New York
100831 Hipotronics R2.5B2.54.0Analog 1 Scotia, New York
39910 Hitek Power Sys OL330/103NA-10.033.0Analog 6 Scotia, New York
39887 Hitek Power Sys OL8000/144/08140.0114.0None 2 Scotia, New York
39884 Hitek Power Sys OL8000/803/1080.0100.0None 5 Scotia, New York
39617 Kaiser Systems 600080.020.0NoNone 2 Scotia, New York
39618 Kaiser Systems S6-160-100160.0100.0NoNone 1 F* Scotia, New York
100223 Lambda Physik 28067972None 1 F* Scotia, New York
249338 Spellman SL20P300 - Positive Polarity20.015.0NoDigital 1 Scotia, New York
99645 Spellman SLS230P3450X3488230.015.0NoNone 1 Scotia, New York
160653 Spellman SR10PN16/X283310.01,600.0YesDigital 1 Scotia, New York

*  Vendor Role: OEM is Original Equipment Manufacturer; Sup is Supplier/Distributor

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  F* if the item is specially featured
  N* if the item is newly added, and/or
  R* if the item's price is recently reduced.

Items from the following manufacturers are offered under High Voltage Power Supplies:
EMKI, Glassman, Hipotronics, Hitek Power Systems, Kaiser Systems, Lambda Physik, Spellman