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Upright Microscopes

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Item IDPhotoItem DescriptionMicroscp ConfigIllum TypeTrinclr/Phototb#PriceNotes Location
208308 Bausch and Lomb MicroZoomIncident LightYES 1 F* Scotia, New York
37954 Leica INM 100Bright & DarkReflected LightYES 1 F* Scotia, New York
106575 Leica Polylite 88Bright & DarkReflected Light 2 F* Scotia, New York
243053 Leica Polylite 88Bright & DarkReflected LightYES 1 F* Scotia, New York
1643 Leica POLYLITE88BF/DF/DICReflected Light 1 F* Scotia, New York
113754 Leitz ErgoluxBright & DarkReflected Light 1 4,901.31 F* Scotia, New York
89143 Leitz ErgoluxBright & DarkRef/Trans Light 1 5,251.41 F* Scotia, New York
57070 Leitz Laborlux 12 HLBF/DF/DICRef/Trans LightYES 1 5,951.59 F* Scotia, New York
47433 Leitz Secolux 6X6BrightfieldReflected Light 1 5,701.53 F* Scotia, New York
235855 Nikon Eclipse ME600LBF/DF/DICReflected LightYES 1 F* Scotia, New York
249588 Nikon Labophot 2Bright & Dark 1 Plano, Texas
161461 Nikon Optiphot 100SBright & DarkReflected LightYES 1 Scotia, NY
4360 Nikon Optiphot 200Bright & DarkReflected Light 3 Scotia, New York
189203 Nikon XD-20BF/DF/DIC/POLRef/Trans LightYES 1 F* Scotia, New York
124324 Olympus AX70Bright & DarkHg Reflected LtYES 1 Scotia, New York
46970 Olympus BH2 BHTBrightfieldRef/Trans Light 1 F* Scotia, New York
100822 Olympus BH2-UMABF/DF/DICReflected Light 1 Scotia, New York
128483 Olympus MX50-AFBright & DarkReflected LightYES 2 F* Scotia, New York
114218 Olympus MX50-CFBF/DF/DICHg Reflected LtYES 1 F* Scotia, New York
169420 Olympus MX50A-FBF/DF/DICReflected LightYES 1 Scotia, New York
169421 Olympus MX50T-FBright & DarkReflected LightYES 1 F* Scotia, New York
166599 Zeiss AXIOMATBF/DF/DICRef/Trans LightYES 1 F* Scotia, New York
10393 Zeiss AXIOTRONBrightfieldReflected LightYES 2 F* Scotia, New York
2277 Zeiss AXIOTRONBrightfieldXe Reflected LtYES 1 Scotia, New York
116331 Zeiss UEMBrightfieldReflected Light 1 F* Scotia, New York
40028 Zeiss UniversalBrightfield&DICRef/Trans LightYES 1 F* Scotia, New York

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  F* if the item is specially featured
  N* if the item is newly added, and/or
  R* if the item's price is recently reduced.

Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Upright Microscopes:
Bausch and Lomb, Leica, Leica, Leitz, Nikon, Olympus, Zeiss