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Printed Circuit Board

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Displaying 1-100 of 449  Page  No Previous Page  Show Next Page Show Last Page
Item IDPhotoItem DescriptionPt Description#PriceNotes Location
152473 40066Printed Circuit Board 1 Plano, TX
152588 522-026Printed Circuit Board 1 Plano, TX
149032 AG Associates OEM*:OEM*2100-0090PCB - -STD Counter/Timer 1 Plano, TX
149056 AG Associates OEM*:OEM*2100-0110PCB 1 Plano, TX
149055 AG Associates OEM*:OEM*2100-0120MIO 24 Relay Panel Interface 1 Plano, TX
149052 AG Associates OEM*:OEM*7100-5118PCB - Linearizer 1 Plano, TX
154451 AG Associates OEM*:OEM*9830-2030PCB - Sensor I/O 1 Plano, TX
149048 AG Associates OEM*:OEM*9830-2040 PCB - RMS Analog for 2101 RTP Annealing System 1 Plano, TX
149031 AG Associates OEM*:OEM*9830-2080PCB - Zero Crossing Detector 1 Plano, TX
153040 Air Products Mfr*809-420900Printed Circuit Board 4 Plano, TX
60631 AMAT Mfr*0100-00171IHC CONTROL BOARD (OEM/NEW) 3 2,300.62 Hudson, NY
103156 Amax OEM*:OEM*S20 Rev 1.0PCB 1 Plano, TX
149044 Analog Devices OEM*:OEM*RTI-1260 PCB - RTI-1260 Input Card 1 Plano, TX
149039 Analog Devices OEM*:OEM*RTI-1262PCB - Analog I/O for AG Associates System 1 Plano, TX
58344 Applied Materia Mfr*0100-09078ROBOT INTERCONNECT BD. 1 Hudson, NY
87390 Applied Materials 0100-09138 rev BRobot Interconnect Board 1 Plano, TX
92770 Applied Materials 0100-35227E-Chuck Controller Board 1 Plano, TX
96058 Applied Materials 0100-77036S P1-1367-32 PC Board 1 Plano, TX
58338 Applied Materials Mfr*0100-00010PCB ION/GAUGE CONTROL 1 Hudson, NY
58340 Applied Materials Mfr*0100-00011-RPCB Chopper Drive 2 Hudson, NY
59451 Applied Materials Mfr*0100-00109PC Board ID Interconnect 4 Hudson, NY
58289 Applied Materials Mfr*0100-00110PC BOARD FLAT FINDER MONITER D 1 Hudson, NY
58345 Applied Materials Mfr*0100-09079ROBOT MOTOR-SENSOR INTERCONNECT BD. 1 Hudson, NY
58339 Applied Materials Mfr*0100-09162PCB ASS'Y MANOMETER SELECT BOARD 1 Hudson, NY
58287 Applied Materials Mfr*0100-09214PCB, CHAMBER INTERFACE 2 Hudson, NY
101132 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0100-00033PWB, MOTOR DRIVE 1 Hudson, NY
101124 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0100-00037PWB, INDEXER INTERCONNECT 2 Hudson, NY
101123 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0100-00038PWB, INTERCONNECT DOOR 4 Hudson, NY
107708 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0100-00053PCB Bright/Contrast 1 325.09 Hudson, NY
101130 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0100-00060PWB ASSY, CHOPPER DRIVE II (Used/Working) 1 Hudson, New York
140066 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0100-00171Applied Materials, 0100-00171, IHC ... 1 Plano, TX
89310 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0100-00171-UIND. HELIUM CONTROL BD. ASSY. 17 1,825.49 Hudson, NY
141374 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0100-00655 Applied Materials 0100-00655 Hardou... 1 Plano, TX
107709 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0100-09029PCB ASSY, TURBO INTERCONNECT 1 225.06 Hudson, NY
101188 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0100-09048Video Board 1 Hudson, NY
89312 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0100-09076-UPCB ASSY, BRAKE INTERCONNECT 4 Hudson, New York
89313 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0100-09081-UPCB ASSY N2-DRYVAC DIST 2 275.07 Hudson, NY
89314 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0100-09117ASSY PCB DIO FUSE BD 1 645.17 Hudson, New York
89315 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0100-09125-UPCB ASSY REMOTE WIRING DIST 2 315.08 Hudson, NY
89316 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0100-09126-UPCB ASSY,REMOTE WIRING DISTRIBUTION 1 325.09 Hudson, NY
89317 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0100-09131-UPCB ASSY FLUID OVERFILL BOARD 5 64.02 Hudson, NY
89318 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0100-09134-UPCB ASSY DIDO FUSE 7 130.03 Hudson, NY
103793 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0100-09210ASSY. LIQUID INJECTOR INTERFACE PCB 1 1,595.43 Hudson, NY
89322 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0100-09305-UPCB, ASSY, RELAY INTERLOCK BOARD 1 268.07 Hudson, NY
89329 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0100-40178-UPCB, VACUUM CONTROL FEEDBACK 1 225.06 Hudson, NY
89415 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0100-90042PWBA I-V CONV PROFILER 1 757.20 Hudson, NY
89332 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0100-90052PWBA MB MOTOR POT 1 720.19 Hudson, NY
89333 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0100-90066PWBA I/V CONVERTER PWRSP 1 653.17 Hudson, NY
89334 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0100-90066-UPWBA I/V CONVERTER PWRSP 1 452.12 Hudson, NY
89416 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0100-90077PWBA CONTROLLER THERMSTR 1 443.12 Hudson, NY
89335 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0100-90085-UMOTOR POT 3 203.05 Hudson, NY
89324 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0190-09466-UPCB,APC CH A 1 3,008.81 Hudson, NY
101168 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0225-34457-UASSY, MOD N2 DRYVAC PCB 1 Hudson, NY
99688 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*03-78669-00DO Sink Board 2 Hudson, NY
99690 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*03-81813-00C&D Board 1 Hudson, NY
99704 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*03-81830-00Prom Boards 1&2 w 0300-01012 Prom Set 2 Hudson, NY
89400 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0660-01102CARD PNEU 8 STN 8 VALVE PCB 1 264.07 Hudson, NY
101173 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*0660-01122Neslab Control Board 1 Hudson, NY
141369 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*3870-02365 Pneumatic Module 1 Plano, TX
99694 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*670056Universal Address Board 1 Hudson, NY
99689 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*672524Serial I/O Board 1 Hudson, NY
99691 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*672530Alphanumeric Board 1 Hudson, NY
99697 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*672532CMOS Memory Board 1 Hudson, NY
99685 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*678634DC Power Supply Board 1 Hudson, NY
99700 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*678667DI Sink Board 3 Hudson, NY
99687 Applied Materials OEM*:OEM*678669DO Sink Board 1 Hudson, NY
58352 Aseco Mfr*30-0364-00PCB, SOLENOID DRIVER 1 Hudson, NY
58353 Aseco Mfr*30-0394-01PCB, STEPPER CONTROL 1 Hudson, NY
133948 ATI OEM*:OEM*109-25500-40Video Card 1 Plano, TX
94872 Baldor ASR27164EBMulti-Resolver Card 1 Plano, TX
118407 Bay Area Circuits Mfr*PM122/129RF Gen Board 2 Plano, TX
136923 Branson OEM*:OEM*PWA C12145Branson PWA C12145 Automation Board... 2 Plano, TX
94985 Brooks Automation 70009115Stepper Driver Ctl, PCB 1 Plano, TX
101083 Bruce (BTI) OEM*:OEM*3121970PCB Undertemp Alarm 2 Hudson, NY
101082 Bruce (BTI) OEM*:OEM*3130033PCB Relay Driver 1 Hudson, NY
59442 Bruce (BTI) OEM*:OEM*3130291PC BOARD RELAY DRIVER 8 Hudson, NY
107732 Bruce (BTI) OEM*:OEM*3160181PC Board C Furnace 1 Hudson, NY
101147 Bruce (BTI) OEM*:OEM*3160361

PCB Power Supply

5 Hudson, New York
107730 Bruce (BTI) OEM*:OEM*3160711-UPC Board E Furnace 9 Hudson, NY
60626 Bruce (BTI) OEM*:OEM*3161161PCB System. I/O 6" DDC 2 Hudson, NY
60622 Bruce (BTI) OEM*:OEM*3161502PC Board Timer/Clock/Rate 6 3 Hudson, NY
103802 Bruce (BTI) OEM*:OEM*3161525V01PC Board Analog I/O 3 Hudson, NY
60624 Bruce (BTI) OEM*:OEM*3161525V13PC Board Analog I/O 6" DDC 1 Hudson, NY
103803 Bruce (BTI) OEM*:OEM*3161525V17PC Board Analog I/O 1 Hudson, NY
107716 Bruce (BTI) OEM*:OEM*3161951V02PCB Micro Controller 2 6"DD 2 Hudson, NY
59452 Bruce (BTI) OEM*:OEM*3162052PC Board H2/02 Ratio 6"DDC 1 Hudson, NY
60623 Bruce (BTI) OEM*:OEM*3162321PC Board 6 Channel O/T MODE 1 Hudson, NY
101066 Bruce (BTI) OEM*:OEM*3163361PCB 7618B 6" DDC 4 Hudson, NY
60621 Bruce (BTI) OEM*:OEM*3520388PC Board Extender 6" DD 1 Hudson, NY
107733 Bruce (BTI) OEM*:OEM*9760426PC Board Furnace Key Pad 1 Hudson, NY
101060 BTU Eng OEM*:OEM*3162092V01PCB G 55 VCVD 1E3107 Interface 2 Hudson, NY
59203 BTU Engineering Mfr*3162010PCB Signal Processng Board 1 Hudson, NY
101139 BTU Engineering OEM*:OEM*3160301PCB Hi Level Amp/Frequency 1 Hudson, NY
101141 BTU Engineering OEM*:OEM*3160332PCB HI Level Scanner 3 Hudson, NY
101143 BTU Engineering OEM*:OEM*3160581PCB Power Fail Detection 3 Hudson, NY
101156 BTU Engineering OEM*:OEM*3161231V02PCB Temperature Micro 1 Hudson, NY
101142 BTU Engineering OEM*:OEM*3161411PCB Interface 10 Channel 2 Hudson, NY
132421 Canon Mfr*BG9-4152Rack Extention PCB 1 Plano, TX

CCSI STD20-CXS Network STD Board...

5 Plano, Texas
59201 Compumetric Mfr*260-55000-01PCB STEPPER BOARD 1 Hudson, NY
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*  Vendor Role: OEM is Original Equipment Manufacturer; Sup is Supplier/Distributor

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  F* if the item is specially featured
  N* if the item is newly added, and/or
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Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Printed Circuit Board:
AG Associates, Amax, Analog Devices, Applied Materials, Inc., Aseco, ATI, Baldor, Bay Area Circuits, Branson, Brooks Automation, Bruce (BTI), BTU Engineering, Canon, CCSI, Compumetric, Computron, Concurrent Computer Corp, Control Technology, Copley Controls Corp., Cybor, DEC , Digital Comm, Digital Equipment Corporation, Digital Instruments, Drytek, Eaton, ECI Technology, Eratron, Force, FSI, Fusion Systems Inc., Galil Motion Control, Gasonics, GCA/Precision Scientific, GD California, Graphic Strategies, Humphrey Products Co, Integrated Modular Systems Inc, Interface, Intersil, IOtech Inc., Keithley, KLA, KLA-Tencor, LAM, LAM Research Corp., Laser Identification, Ludl Electronic Products, M and W Systems, Materials Research Corp, Mattson Technology, Metron, Micro Automation, Microbar Systems, Inc., Mimir, MTI, National Semiconductor, Nikon, Omron, Opal, PRI Brooks, Prometrix, Prometrix Corporation, real time devices, Rigaku, Romar Peripherials, SBC, Schlumberger, Schumacher, Scientific MicroSystems, Inc., SEMA, Semi-Tool, Semiconductor Systems, Semitool, SEMY Engineering, Siemens, Silicon Valley Group, Siltec, Simatic, SMC, SMS, SMS Technologies, SUN, Tencor, Teradyne, Texas Instruments, Thermco, Tokyo Electron Limited, Tokyo Electronics Limited, Toshiba, Touchstone Technology Inc, Ultratech Stepper, Unknown, Varian, Versalogic Corporation, View, Wafab, XYCOM, Zeos, Ziatech