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Clean Room Ovens

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Item IDItem DescriptionMax TempClean Room ClssCapacty/Vol BoxChamber Size#PriceNotes Location
»ºF  »ºK  ºC(Class)»cu m  cu ft»cm  in»cm  in»cm  in$
254083 Axcelis Technologies Compact II 1 Dresden, Saxony
206148 Blue M 256 Clean Room2501004.8021.0020.0019.00 1 Scotia, New York
123024 Blue M CRO7-146 B/C2501001.2010.5014.0013.75 2 F* Scotia, New York
3136 Blue M CRO7-206 B/C2501003.4016.5018.0019.75 1 F* Scotia, New York
4306 Blue M CRO7-256 B/C2501004.9021.5020.0020.00 3 F* Scotia, New York
3135 Blue M CRO7-336 B/C2501009.0021.5020.0037.75 1 F* Scotia, New York
206145 Blue M DCC-256B2504.7420.0021.0019.50 1 Scotia, New York
206271 Blue M DCC-256B2504.7421.0020.0019.50 1 Scotia, New York
164732 Blue M DCC-256C2504.9022.5020.0020.00 1 Scotia, New York
206146 Blue M DCC-256F0X3692501004.8521.5020.0019.50 1 Scotia, New York
206147 Blue M DCC-256G-HP2504.7420.0021.0019.50 1 Scotia, New York
156263 Blue M DCC-500250108.0025.0026.0021.50 1 Scotia, New York
253699 Blue M DCC8-500G 1 Burlington, Vermont
40144 Blue M STK05C-C-MP55034310004.6020.2520.0019.75 1 F* Scotia, New York
206298 Despatch LCC1-11-22601.0214.009.0014.00 1 F* Scotia, New York
206054 Despatch LCC1-542601005.4018.0020.0026.00 1 Scotia, New York
206055 Despatch LCC1-54 N2 Option2601005.4018.0020.0026.00 1 Scotia, New York
206053 Despatch LCC1-54N-22601005.4018.0020.0026.00 1 Scotia, New York
254219 Despatch PWB-48X38X64-3E 1 Malta, New York
254220 Despatch PWB-48X38X64-3E 1 Malta, New York
254221 Despatch PWB-48X38X64-3E 1 Malta, New York
254375 Despatch PWB-48X38X64-3E 1 Malta, New York
276 Heraeus TUF50602302301002.6026.0016.0011.00 1 F* Scotia, New York
254222 VWR Scientific Sheldon Oven 1601 1 Malta, New York

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  F* if the item is specially featured
  N* if the item is newly added, and/or
  R* if the item's price is recently reduced.

Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Clean Room Ovens:
Axcelis Technologies, Inc., Blue M, Despatch, Heraeus, VWR Scientific Products