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Quick-Connect Fittings

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Item IDPhotoItem DescriptionPt DescriptionFlange TypeFlange Size#PriceNotes Location
»in  mm$
107690 Applied Materials In OEM*:OEM*3300-01235FTG HOSE NIP QDISC 3/8BODY X 3/8FPT BRS EP-SEAL 1 5.25 Hudson, NY
107691 Applied Materials In OEM*:OEM*3300-01238FTG HOSE CPLG QDISC 3/8BODY X 3/8FPT BRS EP-SEAL 1 11.00 Hudson, NY
107692 Applied Materials In OEM*:OEM*3300-02629FTG Quick Conn Body 3/8 brass 4 17.75 Hudson, NY
107696 Parker OEM*:OEM*SH3-63

Fitting, Quick Disconnect

2 18.00 Hudson, New York
107697 Parker OEM*:OEM*SSH2-62YCoupler, Quick Disconnect 3 37.01 Hudson, NY
107698 Parker OEM*:OEM*SSH2-63YFitting, Quick Disconnect 2 20.01 Hudson, NY
107699 Parker OEM*:OEM*SSH3-63YFitting, Quick Disconnect 2 20.01 Hudson, NY
107700 Swagelok Company, Th Mfr*SS-QC4-D-400Fitting, Quick Disconnect 1 22.26 Hudson, NY
107702 Swagelok Company, Th Mfr*SS-QC6-B-600K5EFitting, Quick Disconnect 5 53.66 Hudson, NY
107701 Swagelok Company, Th Mfr*SS-QC6-B1-600Fitting, Quick Disconnect 1 37.01 Hudson, NY
107703 Swagelok Company, Th Mfr*SS-QC6-D-600Fitting, Quick Disconnect 1 27.51 Hudson, NY
107704 Swagelok Company, Th OEM*:OEM*SS-QT2-D-2PFFitting, Stem Quick Disconnect 1 25.01 Hudson, NY
107705 Swagelok Company, Th OEM*:OEM*SS-QT8-B-8PFFitting, Quick Disconnect 3 80.02 Hudson, NY
107706 Swagelok Company, Th OEM*:OEM*SS-QT8-D-8PFFitting, Quick Disconnect 2 44.01 Hudson, NY
107707 Swagelok Company, Th OEM*:OEM*SS-QTM2-B-2PFitting, Body Quick Disconnect 1 44.01 F* Hudson, NY
107693 Unknown OEM*:OEM*414228Insul QD Male 100 Hudson, NY

*  Vendor Role: OEM is Original Equipment Manufacturer; Sup is Supplier/Distributor

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  F* if the item is specially featured
  N* if the item is newly added, and/or
  R* if the item's price is recently reduced.

Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Quick-Connect Fittings:
Applied Materials Inc., Parker, Swagelok Company, The, Unknown